
Directions to Tsuruta Town

To the center of Tsugaru County

Tsuruta is situated at the heart of Tsugaru County in Aomori Prefecture.
Tsuruta is conveniently located near the Hirosaki Park which is famous for Cherry Blossom Festival and Goshogawara city that is the home to Tachineputa.
Popular tourist attractions in nearby cities

From other major cities to Aomori city

Aomori Airport

From Aomori city to Tsuruta 01
From Aomori city to Tsuruta 01

JR Shin-Aomori Station

From Aomori city to Tsuruta 02
From Aomori city to Tsuruta 02

JR Aomori Station

From Aomori city to Tsuruta 03
From Aomori city to Tsuruta 03

From Aomori city to Tsuruta

From Aomori city to Tsuruta 04

Popular tourist attractions in nearby cities

Goshogawara City

Tachineputa no Yakata
Tachineputa no Yakata

This is a museum dedicated to Tachineputa. Tachineputa is about 22 m (72 ft) tall and weighs about 17 tons. Three Tachineputa floats are exhibited throughout the year. At the museum, visitors can experience making new Tachineputa and traditional Tsugaru crafts by signing up for a workshop. The museum also hosts many events as well as used as a facility where Tachineputa participants practice Ohayashi (festival music).

Address 21-1 Omachi Goshogawara, Aomori 037-0063 MAP
Tel 0173-38-3232
Directions & Transportation JR Mutsu Tsuruda Station
(JR Gono Line 7 minutes)
JR Goshogawara Station
(Walk 6 minutes)
Tachineputa no Yakata
Web site

Hirosaki City

Hirosaki Park
Hirosaki Park

Hirosaki Park is situated around the Hirosaki Castle. Hirosaki Park is nationally known for its Cherry Blossom Festival. The park is a 122-acre park (492,000 sq. m) which is located in the heart of Hirosaki City.
Many events such as Cherry Blossom Festival, Nuputa Festival, Chrysanthemum & Autumn Festival, and Snow Lantern Festival are held at the park throughout the year.

Address Shirogane Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8356 MAP
Tel 0172-33-8739 (Parks division, Hirosaki City Office)
Directions & Transportation JR Mutsu Tsuruda Station
(JR Gono Line 46 minutes)
JR Hirosaki Station
(Walk 30 minutes)
Hirosaki Park
Web site


about tsuruta

Population: 14,179 (as of Aug 2012)
Sister City: Hood River, Oregon, USA
Municipal Tree: Japanese Pine
Municipal Flower: Apple Blossom
Municipal Bird: Japanese Red-crowned Crane
Directions & Transportation

Events & News

Explore Tsuruta, the village of red-crowned crane and International cultural exchange.

Medetai Tsuruta is a website which provides information about everything Tsuruta has to offer for readers all over the world.



TsurutaTown Instagram
Tsuruta Town Office

Tsuruta Town Office
Address: 200-1 Hayase Tsuruta, Aomori 038-3595
TEL:0173-22-2111FAX:0173-22-6007MAIL:Fill out the contact form

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