Tsuruta Hagemasu kai, Bald Head Lovable group, was founded on 2/22/89.
The group’s purpose is to light up the world with tons of shiny bald heads.
Twice a year on 2/22 (Tsuru Tsuru day, the slippery day) and on 8/15 (the old lunar calendar day), members of Hagemasu kai hold “UTAGE” gathering and have many activities. These activities include suction-cup-tag-of-war attached to bald heads, guess-who’s-head-is-this quiz, song parodies, humorous poems and more.
Hagemasu kai members are from all over Japan. They plan to have activities to bring lots and lots of light to the world.

In Japanese, “Tsuru=鶴” means crane. *“Tsuru” is also a term to describe slipperiness. The word “UTAGE (有多毛/宴) includes many meanings. UTAGE (宴) means social gathering, meeting and party. Other meaning of UTAGE is “U=有=exist”, “TA=多=lots of” and “GE=毛=hair” which members of Bald Head Lovable do not have. The term, UTAGE, is being used as an irony of shiny bald head.
Location | Yamada Onsen (hot spring) |
Organization | Tsuruta Hagemasu kai (Bald Head Lovable) |
Address | 460-6 Koizumi Tsuruta Tsuruta, Aomori 038-3503 |
Fill out the contact form |